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Contact Dr. Martha Libster, PhD, MSN, APRN-PMHCNS, FAAN
Consultant - Education, Nursing, Health Care, History
Workforce Development / Retention
Health Care Policy and Reform
Clinical Nurse 
Specialist - Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing
Precision Nursing Science
Integrative Holistic Nursing

Behavioral Health - Infant Parent Psychotherapy
Personal Growth - Consciousness 
Customized Events
Motivational Speaker
Improvisational Poet

If you would like to contact me, request information, have questions, or would like to offer a suggestion, please send me an email or fill out the contact form. 


Thank you! 


Contact Info:


Dr. Martha Libster

6650 W State St. Suite D 95

Wauwatosa, Wisconsin 53213  USA

(765) 412-1989


Email Us

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