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Behavioral Mental Health Nursing
Professional Development Program


The SOS-Youth Program    SOS  =  Salutogenesis-Oriented Solutions


APRNs and RNs Partner with Asian-American Communities to Address High Suicide Risk and Lack of Belonging in Youth 


A Health Cultural Diplomacy Continuing Education Program

  • Prepares APRNs and RNs to Lead Salutogenesis - Oriented - Solutions (SOS) for Communities with Asian-American Youth at Risk for Suicide and Low Sense of Belonging.




  • APRNs and RNs Partner with Asian- American communities to address high suicide risk and increase sense of belonging among the youth.


What is Salutogenesis?

  • PATHOGENESIS = The study of the factors that cause disease. Separates health and illness. Biomedical Model used by patients and practitioners alike

  • Pathologize = Curative Focus


  • SALUTOGENESIS – The Study of the origins (genesis) of human health (salus). Salutogenic Model concerned with the relationship between health, stress, and coping. Resources help adaptation to psychosocial stressors with meaningfulness (participation, belonging, opportunity in work and service). Focuses on coherence and the role of stress in human functioning.

  • Salutogenesis = Health Promotion Plus Health Patterns


​The Wauwatosa Woman’s Club is collaborating with Golden Apple Healing Arts, LLC to provide a comfortable face to face learning environment for workshop participants.

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