Dr. Martha Mathews Libster
Inspired by People & Plants

Libster, M. (2022). Precision Nursing Science: Integrative Holistic Nursing with the Elements of Care®. Milwaukee, WI: Golden Apple Publications.
Libster, M. (2022). Precision Self-Care for Nurses: The Elements of Care® Program for Beating Burnout. Milwaukee, WI: Golden Apple Publications.
Libster, M. (2020). Gentle Medicine for Balance in Body and Peace of Mind: The Elements of Care® Program. Milwaukee, WI: Golden Apple Publications.
Libster, M. (2020). Gentle Medicine for Balance in Body and Peace of Mind. The Elements of Care® Program Experiential Guide. Milwaukee, WI: Golden Apple Publications.
ANA and AHNA. (2018). American Holistic Nurses Assn. Scope and Standards 3rd Ed. Contributing Author: Core Values, Standards and Content on Herbs, Healing Environment, Nursing History, APRN practice, Self-care, Faith Community, and Culturally Congruent Practice.
Libster, M. (2014). Science of Energy Flow: Foot Reflexology with Herbal Stress Relief. Milwaukee, WI: Golden Apple Publications.
Libster, M. (2012). The Nurse-Herbalist: Integrative insights for Holistic Practice. Milwaukee, WI: Golden Apple Publications.
Libster, M. & McNeil, B.A. (2009). Enlightened Charity: The Holistic Care, Education and ADVICES CONCERNING THE SICK of Sister Matilda Coskery, (1799-1870). Milwaukee, WI: Golden Apple Publications.
Libster, M. (2004). Herbal Diplomats: The Contribution of Early American Nurses (1830-1860) to Nineteenth-Century Health Care Reform and the Botanical Medical Movement. Milwaukee, WI: Golden Apple Publications.
Libster, M. (2002). Delmar’s Integrative Herb Guide for Nurses. Albany, NY: Delmar/International Thomson Learning.
Libster, M. (2001). Demonstrating Care: The Art of Integrative Nursing. Albany, NY: Delmar Cengage Learning.

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Herbal Diplomats was awarded the 2005 Lavinia L. Dock Award for Exemplary Historical Research and Writing.